Current and Upcoming
Orchard MRT Station
Commissioned by the Land Transport Authority, Singapore in 2012. The artowkr for Orchard Station along the Thomson East Coast Line, was developed in collaboration with curator Charmaine Toh.

Past Exhibitions

Festival Seni Cetak Grafis: Trilogia
Festival Seni Cetak Grafis “Trilogia” merupakan upaya Krack sebagai kelompok pegiat seni cetak grafis untuk merayakan praktik dan pengetahuan yang senantiasa berkembang luas dan terepresentasi dalam seni cetak grafis. Watak seni cetak grafis yang distributif, repetitif, dan reproduktif akan kami jadikan pintu masuk untuk membicarakan berbagai topik dalam dinamika sosial budaya masyarakat.

Leaving to Thrive | A panel discussion with Erika Tan, Mintio & Zee Zunnur
The panel discussion “Leaving to Thrive” brings together three artists who have spent time away from Singapore, mainly (though not exclusively) in the UK. Rather than recount Kim Lim’s biography, it adopts an oblique approach to understanding her identities, trajectories and motivations. Seeking resonances and departures, the panel probes what it means now for Singapore artists to leave and (maybe) return. Is it still necessary to leave, to thrive? When is leaving not departure, but a form of circling back?
This programme took place at National Gallery Singapore on 26 October 2024 and was moderated by Lucas Huang.

Civilization: The Way We Live Now
Civilization: The Way We Live Now is a major exhibition, featuring the work of 100 of the world’s finest photographers. It addresses and illuminates major aspects of our increasingly global 21st century civilization. It stresses the fact that contemporary civilization is an extremely complex collective enterprise. Never before in human history have so many people been so interconnected, and so dependent on one another. In science and art, at work and play, we increasingly live the collective life. The Olympic Games, the giant Airbus, CERN, MRI, the Trident Submarine, Wikipedia, the Academy Awards, the International Space Station, Viagra, the laptop computer and the smartphone… However we feel about any of them, none of these complex phenomena would have been possible without superlatively coordinated efforts involving highly educated, highly trained, highly motivated, highly connected people.